Publications et prépublications du laboratoire
Les prépublications des membres du laboratoire peuvent être consultées sur les deux sites suivants
- Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL)
- (attention aux doublons avec d'autres LAMA)
Une liste non exhaustive des publications du laboratoire basée sur les serveurs de HAL est présentée ci-dessous :
- Discretization and simulation of the Zakai equationEmmanuel Gobet, Gilles Pagès, Huyên Pham, Jacques Printems
- Expansion and isoperimetric constants for product graphsC. Houdre, T. Stoyanov
- Multifractal analysis of images: New connexions between analysis and geometryyanick Heurteaux, Stéphane Jaffard
- Concentration of mass on convex bodiesG. Paouris
- Discretization and simulation for a class of SPDEs with applications to Zakai and McKean-Vlasov equationsEmmanuel Gobet, Gilles Pagès, Huyên Pham, Jacques Printems
- Asymptotic failure rate of a continuously monitored systemAntoine Grall, Laurence Dieulle, Christophe Bérenguer, Michel Roussignol
- Homogenization of integrals with pointwise gradient constraints via the periodic unfolding methodDoina Cioranescu, Alain Damlamian, Riccardo de ArcangelisRic.Mat 55 (2006) 31-53
- A losing estimate for the ideal MHD equations with application to blow-up criterionMarco Cannone, Qionglei Chen, Changxing Miao
- Homogenization of quasiconvex integrals via the periodic unfolding methodDoina Cioranescu, Alain Damlamian, Riccardo de ArcangelisSIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 37 (2006) 1435-1453
- Local properties of self-similar solutions to Smoluchowski’s coagulation equation with sum kernelsNicolas Fournier, Philippe Laurençot
- Parameter Estimation for a Discretely Observed Integrated Diffusion ProcessArnaud GloterScandinavian Journal of Statistics 33 1 (2006) 83-104
- Analysis of cyclin B1 and CDK activity during apoptosis induced by camptothecin treatment.A. Borgne, I. Versteege, M. Mahé, A. Studeny, S. Léonce, I. Naime, M. Magdalena Rodriguez, J. A. Hickman, L. Meijer, R. M. Golsteyn
- Minimal surfaces of finite total curvature in HxRLaurent Hauswirth, Harold RosenbergMatemática Contemporânea 31 (2006) 65-80
- Lagrangian submanifolds foliated by (n-1)-spheres in R^2nHenri Anciaux, Ildefonso Castro, Pascal Romon
- Critical price near maturity for an American option on a dividend-paying stock in a local volatility modelEtienne Chevalier
- Conditional principles for random weighted measuresNathael Gozlan
- Existence of densities for jumping S.D.E.sNicolas Fournier, Jean-Sébastien Giet
- Hamiltonian stationary tori in the complex projective planeFrédéric Hélein, Pascal Romon
- On Berndtsson's generalization of Prekopa's theoremDario Cordero-Erausquin
- Wavelet Analysis of Fractal Boundaries. Part 2: Multifractal AnalysisClothilde Melot, Stéphane Jaffard
- A staggered finite volume scheme on general meshes for the Navier-Stokes equations in two space dimensionsRobert Eymard, Raphaèle Herbin
- The Sobolev embeddings are usually sharpAurélia Fraysse, Stéphane JaffardAbstract and Applied Analysis 4 (2005) 437-448
- Consistent and asymptotically normal parameter estimates for hidden Markov mixtures of Markov modelsPierre Vandekerkhove
- Statistical Romberg extrapolation: A new variance reduction method and applications to option pricingAhmed Kebaier
- Smallest singular value of random matrices and geometry of random polytopesAe Litvak, Alain Pajor, M Rudelson, N Tomczak-Jaegermann
- Positive solutions in semilinear critical problems for polyharmonic operatorsYuxin Ge
- Wavelet analysis of fractal Boundaries, Part 1: Local regularityClothilde Melot, Stéphane Jaffard
- Approximation of the distribution of excesses using a generalized probability weighted moment methodJean Diebolt, A Guillou, I Rached
- Multiple recurrence and nilsequencesVitaly Bergelson, Bernard Host, Bryna KraInventiones Mathematicae 160 (2005) 261-303
- Quasi-conjugate bayes estimates for GPD parameters and application to heavy tails modellingJean Diebolt, Mhamed El Aroui, Myriam Garrido, Stéphane GirardExtremes 8 (2005) 57-78
- Non-conventional ergodic averages and nilmanifoldsBernard Host, Bryna KraAnnals of Mathematics 161 2 (2005) 397-488
- Quelques propriétés génériques en analyseAurélia Fraysse, Stéphane Jaffard, Jean-Pierre KahaneComptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique 340 (2005) 645-651
- Relationship between physical activity, aerobic capacity and body composition in school children from the Sierra Tarahumara. MexicoPatrick Pasquet, M. Balcazar-Quintero, M. Magdalena Rodriguez, H. Hinojosa, S. Desantiago18th International Congress of Nutrition, Nutrition Safari for Innovative Solutions (2005) 7 pages
- Bubble towers for supercritical semilinear elliptic equationsYuxin Ge, Rh Jing, F Pacard
- A staggered finite volume scheme on general meshes for the generalized Stokes problem in two space dimensions AstaggeredschemefortheStokesequationsPhilippe Blanc, Robert Eymard, Raphaèle Herbin
- A finite-volume scheme for dynamic reliability modelsChristiane Cocozza-Thivent, Robert Eymard, Sophie Mercier
- H-0-convergence and iterated homogenizationAlain Damlamian, P DonatoAsymptotic Analysis 39 1 (2004) 45--60
- A class of bounded operators on Sobolev spacesS Korry
- Smooth or singular solutions to the Navier-Stokes systemMarco Cannone, G Karch
- Convergence of the Marcus-Lushnikov ProcessNicolas Fournier, Jean-Sébastien Giet
- Finite volume schemes for two phase flow in porous mediaRobert Eymard, Thierry Gallouët
- Attaching handles to Bryant surfacesFrank Pacard, Fernando A. A. Pimentel
- Exact simulation of nonlinear coagulation processesNicolas Fournier, Jean-Sébastien Giet
- Gamma-convergence of gradient flows with applications to Ginzburg-LandauEtienne Sandier, Sylvia Serfaty
- Improvement in sensitivity and selectivity of InP-based gas sensors : Pseudo-Schottky diodes with palladium metallizations.L. Talazac, F. Barbarin, L. Mazet, Christelle Varenne
- A finite volume scheme for anisotropic diffusion problemsRobert Eymard, Thierry Gallouët, Raphaele Herbin
- The (B) conjecture for the Gaussian measure of dilates of symmetric convex sets and related problemsDario Cordero-Erausquin, Matthieu Fradelizi, Bernard Maurey
- A mass transportation approach to sharp Sobolev and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalitiesBruno Nazaret, Dario Cordero-Erausquin, Cédric Villani
- Optimal replacement policy for a series system with obsolescenceS Mercier, Pe Labeau
- A link between complete models with stochastic volatility and ARCH modelsThiery Jeantheau
- The central limit theorem for a nonlinear algorithm based on quantizationVlad Bally
- Approximation of the marginal distributions of a semi-Markov process using a finite volume schemeChristiane Cocozza-Thivent, Robert Eymard
- The extreme points of subsets of s-concave probabilities and a geometric localization theoremMatthieu Fradelizi, O Guedon
- Rate of convergence for the generalized Pareto approximation of the excessesJean-Pierre Raoult, R Worms
- Common hypercyclic vectors for multiples of backward shiftEvgeny Abakumov, J Gordon
- Weakly expanding skew-products of quadratic mapsJerome Buzzi, Olivier Sester, Masato Tsujii
- Estimation of the Asymptotic Variance in the CLT for Markov ChainsDidier Chauveau, Jean Diebolt
- Sobolev inequalities for probability measures on the real lineFranck Barthe, Cyril Roberto
- Continuous and measurable eigenfunctions of linearly recurrent dynamical Cantor systemsMaria Isabel Cortez, Fabien Durand, Bernard Host, Alejandro Maass
- Some remarks on the linearized operator about the radial solution for the Ginzburg-Landau equationAnne Beaulieu
- Improving extremal fit: a Bayesian regularization procedureCatherine Trottier, Myriam Garrido, Jean Diebolt
- Nonparametric estimation of renewal processes from count data.Yann Guédon, Christiane Cocozza-Thivent
- The Decrease of Bulk-Superconductivity Close to the Second Critical Field in the Ginzburg--Landau ModelEtienne Sandier, Sylvia Serfaty
- Asymptotic failure rate of a Markov deteriorating system with preventive maintenanceSophie Mercier, Michel RoussignolJournal of Applied Probability 40 1 (2003) 1--19
- A note on simultaneous polar and Cartesian decompositionFranck Barthe, M Csornyei, A NaorGEOMETRIC ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 1807 (2003) 1--19
- From constant mean curvature hypersurfaces to the gradient theory of phase transitionsFrank Pacard, Manuel Ritoré
- Entropy jumps in the presence of a spectral gapK Ball, Franck Barthe, A NaorDuke Mathematical Journal 119 1 (2003) 41--63
- A product estimate for Ginzburg–Landau and application to the gradient-flowEtienne Sandier, Sylvia Serfaty
- Some inequalities about mixed volumesMatthieu Fradelizi, A Giannopoulos, Mathieu Meyer
- H-convergence and numerical schemes for elliptic equationsRobert Eymard, Thierry Gallouët
- Sequential condition-based maintenance scheduling for a deteriorating systemLaurence Dieulle, Christophe Bérenguer, Antoine Grall, Michel Roussignol
- A generalized stochastic differential utilityAli Lazrak, Marie-Claire Quenez
- Extensions of Meyers-Ziemer resultsS Korry
- Limit boundary conditions for finite volume approximations of some physical problemsRobert Eymard, Thierry Gallouët, Julien Vovelle
- The periodic isoperimetric problemLaurent Hauswirth, Joaquín Pérez, Pascal Romon, Antonio Ros
- Maintenance policy for a continuously monitored deteriorating systemChristophe Bérenguer, Antoine Grall, Laurence Dieulle, Michel Roussignol
- Some applications of mass transport to Gaussian-type inequalitiesDario Cordero-Erausquin
- Santalo's inequality on C-n by complex interpolationDario Cordero-Erausquin
- Shift invariant subspaces with arbitrary indices in l(p) spacesEvgeny Abakumov, A Borichev
- Log-concave and spherical models in isoperimetryFranck Barthe
- The geometry of finite topology Bryant surfaces quasi-embedded in a hyperbolic spaceLaurent Hauswirth, Pedro Roitman, Harold RosenbergJournal of Differential Geometry 60 (2002) 55-101
- The gaussian image of mean curvature one surfaces in hyperbolic space of finite total curvaturePascal Collin, Laurent Hauswirth, Harold RosenbergAdvanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 34 (2002) 9-14
- Global solutions and self-similar solutions of semilinear wave equationFrancis Ribaud, A Youssfi
- The space of embedded periodic minimal surfacesLaurent Hauswirth, Martin TraizetIndiana University Mathematics Journal 51 5 (2002) 1041-1079
- An odd Furstenberg-Szemeredi theorem and quasi-affine systemsBernard Host, B Kra
- Which sequences of holes are admissible for periodic homogenization with Neumann boundary condition?Alain Damlamian, P Donato
- A Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Based Algorithm for Coupling Geomechanical-Reservoir SimulationsF. Daïm, R. Eymard, D. Hilhorst, M. Mainguy, R. Masson
- Hyperplane projections of the unit ball of l(p)(n)Franck Barthe, A NaorDiscrete and Computational Geometry 27 2 (2002) 215--226