Publications et prépublications du laboratoire
Les prépublications des membres du laboratoire peuvent être consultées sur les deux sites suivants
- Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL)
- (attention aux doublons avec d'autres LAMA)
Une liste non exhaustive des publications du laboratoire basée sur les serveurs de HAL est présentée ci-dessous :
- When Van Gogh meets Mandelbrot: Multifractal classification of painting's texturePatrice Abry, Herwig Wendt, Stéphane Jaffard
- On the stability in weak topology of the set of global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equationsHajer Bahouri, Isabelle Gallagher
- The Logarithmic Sobolev Constant of The LamplighterEvgeny Abakumov, Anne Beaulieu, François Blanchard, Matthieu Fradelizi, Nathaël Gozlan, Bernard Host, Thiery Jeantheau, Magdalena Kobylanski, Guillaume Lecué, Miguel Martinez, Mathieu Meyer, Marie-Hélène Mourgues, Frédéric Portal, Francis Ribaud, Cyril Roberto, Pascal Romon, Julien Roth, Paul-Marie Samson, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Abdellah Youssfi
- Gradient schemes for the Stefan problemRobert Eymard, Pierre Féron, Thierry Gallouët, Raphaèle Herbin, Cindy Guichard
- Existence of global strong solution and vanishing capillarity-viscosity limit in one dimension for the Korteweg systemFrédéric Charve, Boris Haspot
- Parameter sensitivity of CIR processSidi Mohamed Ould Aly
- The Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation in critical spacesRaphaël Danchin, Lingbing He
- Optimal transport and dynamics of expanding circle maps acting on measuresBenoit Kloeckner
- Sym-Bobenko formula for minimal surfaces in Heisenberg spaceSébastien Cartier
- On the fast Khintchine spectrum in continued fractionsFan Ai-Hua, Lingmin Liao, Bao-Wei Wang, Jun Wu
- The supports of higher bifurcation currents.Romain DujardinAnnales de la Fac. des Sc. de Toulouse 22 3 (2013) 445-464.
- Positivity and lower bounds for the density of Wiener functionalsVlad Bally, Lucia Caramellino
- An LP Approach to Dynamic Programming Principles for Stochastic Control Problems with State ConstraintsDan Goreac, Carina Ivascu, Oana Silvia Serea
- The Spinc Dirac operator on hypersurfaces and applicationsRoger Nakad, Julien Roth
- A simple constructive approach to quadratic BSDEs with or without delayPhilippe Briand, Romuald Elie
- A nonlinear Landau-Zener formulaRémi Carles, Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer
- Convergence in total variation on Wiener chaosIvan Nourdin, Guillaume Poly
- Lagrangian flows for vector fields with gradient given by a singular integralFrançois Bouchut, Gianluca Crippa
- Extensions of Cantor minimal systems and dimension groups.E. Glasner, Bernard Host
- Strong order of convergence of a fully discretized approximation of a linear stochastic Volterra type evolution equationJacques Printems, Kovacs MihalyMathematics of Computation (2013)
- Existence and uniqueness of constant mean curvature spheres in Sol 3Benot Daniel, Pablo Mira
- Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 epitaxial layers on GaAsL. Louahadj, D. Le Bourdais, L. Largeau, G. Agnus, L. Mazet, R. Bachelet, P. Regreny, D. Albertini, V. Pillard, C. Dubourdieu, B. Gautier, P. Lecoeur, Guillaume Saint-GironsApplied Physics Letters 103 21 (2013) 212901
- Empirical central limit theorems for ergodic automorphisms of the torusJérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède, Françoise Pene
- The polynomial multidimensional Szemerédi Theorem along shifted primes.Bernard Host, Nikos Frantzikinakis, Bryna KraIsrael Journal of Mathematics 194 (2013) 331-348
- Processus des restaurants chinois et loi d'EwensDjalil Chafaï, Yan Doumerc, Florent MalrieuRevue de Mathématiques Spéciales (RMS) 123 3 (2013) 56-74
- A Remark on Almost Umbilical HypersurfacesJulien Roth
- A new model for shallow viscoelastic fluidsFrançois Bouchut, Sébastien Boyaval
- The volume product of convex bodies with many hyperplane symmetriesFranck Barthe, Matthieu Fradelizi
- A general halfspace theorem for constant mean curvature surfacesLaurent Mazet
- Intertwining and commutation relations for birth-death processesDjalil Chafai, Aldéric Joulin
- The volume product of convex bodies with many hyperplane symmetriesFranck Barthe, Matthieu Fradelizi
- Multifractal analysis of some multiple ergodic averages for the systems with non-constant Lyapunov exponentsLingmin Liao, Michal Rams
- AléatoireDjalil Chafaï, Christophe Giraud, Sylvie MéléardÉditions de l'École Polytechnique Journées mathématiques X-UPS (2013) 130
- Access to novel amino trifluoromethyl cyclopropane carboxylic acid derivativesMassaba Keita, Rocco De Bona, Mickaël Dos Santos, Olivier Lequin, Sandrine Ongeri, Thierry Milcent, Benoît Crousse
- On strong approximation for the empirical process of stationary sequencesJérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède, Emmanuel Rio
- Benchmark solutions for natural convection flows in vertical channels submitted to different open boundary conditionsG. Desrayaud, Eric Chénier, A. Joulin, Alain Bastide, Boris Brangeon, J.P. Caltagirone, Y. Cherif, R. Eymard, C. Garnier, S. Giroux-Julien, Y. Harmane, P. Joubert, N. Laaroussi, S. Lassue, P. Le Quere, R. Li, D. Saury, A. Sergent, S. Xin, A. Zoubir
- When Van Gogh meets Mandelbrot: Multifractal classification of painting's texturePatrice Abry, Herwig Wendt, Stéphane Jaffard
- Study of a numerical scheme for miscible two-phase flow in porous mediaRobert Eymard, V Schleper
- Maximizing points and coboundaries for an irrational rotation on the CircleJulien Brémont
- Lineage dynamics and mutation-selection balance in non-adapting asexual populationsSophie Penisson, Paul Sniegowski, Alexandre Colato, Philip Gerrish
- On a Lagrangian method for the convergence from a non-local to a local Korteweg capillary fluid modelFrédéric Charve, Boris Haspot
- Sub-logarithmic fluctuations for internal DLAAlexandre Gaudilliere, Amine AsselahAnnals of Probability 41 (2013) 1160-1179
- Limiting spectral distribution of large sample covariance matrices associated with a class of stationary processesMarwa Banna, Florence Merlevède
- Growth of quotients of groups acting by isometries on Gromov hyperbolic spacesStéphane Sabourau
- DivergenceRaphaël Danchin, Piotr Bogusław Mucha
- Inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation with general error functionsLingmin Liao, Michal Rams
- Coefficients dominants de la Transformée hyperbolique en ondelettes 2D : Application à l'analyse de textures invariantes d' ́echelle, multifractales et anisotropesStéphane G. Roux, Béatrice Vedel, Stéphane Jaffard, Patrice AbryXXIV colloque GRETSI - Traitement du Signal et des Images (2013) ID103
- A central limit theorem for adaptive and interacting Markov chainsGersende Fort, Eric Moulines, Pierre Priouret, Pierre Vandekerkhove
- Monotonicity of Prices in Heston ModelSidi Mohamed Ould Aly
- Sparsity and non-Euclidean embeddingsOmer Friedland, Olivier Guédon
- A note on biharmonic submanifolds of product spacesJulien Roth
- Incompressible flows with piecewise constant densityRaphaël Danchin, Piotr Bogusław Mucha
- Large Deviations for Quasi-Arithmetically Self-Normalized Random VariablesJean-Marie Aubry, Marguerite Zani
- Rational countable steps functions on the Circle and ergodicity of Maharam measuresJulien Brémont
- From logarithmic to subdiffusive polynomial fluctuations for internal DLA and related growth modelsAmine Asselah, Alexandre Gaudilliere
- Introduction à la géométrie différentielle discrètePascal RomonEllipses Références sciences (2013) 216
- A well-posedness result for hyperbolic operators with Zygmund coefficientsGuy Metivier, Ferruccio Colombini, Daniele del Santo, Francesco FanelliJournal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 100 (2013) pp 455--475
- Gradient schemes for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media and Richards equationRobert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaèle Herbin, Roland Masson
- On the Lawrence-Doniach model of superconductivity: magnetic fields parallel to the axes.Etienne Sandier, Stan Alama, Lia Bronsard
- Some applications of linear programming formulations in stochastic controlDan Goreac, Oana Silvia Serea
- Small-stencil 3D schemes for diffusive flows in porous mediaRobert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaele Herbin
- Single switch surface hopping for molecular quantum dynamicsClotilde Fermanian Kammerer, Caroline Lasser
- Finite volume approximation of degenerate two-phase flow model with unlimited air mobilityBoris Andreianov, Robert Eymard, Mustapha Ghilani, Nouzha Marhraoui
- The periodic unfolding for a Fredholm alternative in perforated domainsD Cioranescu, A Damlamian, G Griso
- Madelung, Gross-Pitaevskii and KortewegRémi Carles, Raphaël Danchin, Jean-Claude Saut
- An a priori estimate for the singly periodic solutions of a semilinear equationGenevieve Allain, Anne Beaulieu
- An application of shadow systems to Mahler's conjecture.Matthieu Fradelizi, Mathieu Meyer, Artem Zvavitch
- Circular Law Theorem for Random Markov MatricesCharles Bordenave, Pietro Caputo, Djalil Chafai
- A point of view on Gowers uniformity normsBernard Host, Bryna Kra
- Hypersurfaces of Spinc manifolds and Lawson Type correspondenceRoger Nakad, Julien Roth
- Single switch surface hopping for molecular quantum dynamicsClotilde Fermanian Kammerer, Caroline LasserJournal of Mathematical Chemistry (2012) 620-635
- Approximation of nonlinear parabolic equations using a family of conformal and non-conformal schemesRobert Eymard, Angela Handlovicova, Karol Mikula
- Condition number of a square matrix with i.i.d. columns drawn from a convex bodyRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 140 (2012) 987-998
- Linear stability analysis of first-order delayed car-following models on a ringAntoine Tordeux, Michel Roussignol, S. Lassarre
- Short loop decompositions of surfaces and the geometry of JacobiansFlorent Balacheff, Hugo Parlier, Stéphane Sabourau
- Rates of convergence in the strong invariance principle under projective criteriaJérôme Dedecker, Paul Doukhan, Florence Merlevède
- Existence of strong solutions in a larger space for the shallow-water systemFrédéric Charve, Boris Haspot
- On the existence of a time inhomogeneous skew Brownian motion and some related lawsPierre Etore, Miguel Martinez
- Smoothness of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and application to entropy estimationDidier Chauveau, Pierre Vandekerkhove
- Moment estimates for convex measuresRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannElectronic Journal of Probability 17 (2012) 101: 1-19
- Nonparametric estimation of the division rate of a size-structured populationMarie Doumic-Jauffret, Marc Hoffmann, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Vincent Rivoirard
- The periodic unfolding method in domains with holesDoina Cioranescu, Alain Damlamian, Patrizia Donato, Georges Griso, Rachad Zaki
- Grid Orientation Effect in coupled Finite Volume SchemesRobert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Roland Masson
- Chevet type inequality and norms of submatricesRadosław Adamczak, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
- On ergodic two-armed banditsPierre Tarrès, Pierre Vandekerkhove
- On the well-posedness of the full low-Mach number limit system in general critical Besov spacesRaphaël Danchin, Xian Liao
- Eigenvalue pinching and application to the stability and the almost umbilicity of hypersurfacesJean-Francois Grosjean, Julien Roth
- Sample Path Large Deviations for Squares of Stationary Gaussian ProcessesMarguerite Zani