Publications et prépublications du laboratoire
Les prépublications des membres du laboratoire peuvent être consultées sur les deux sites suivants
- Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL)
- (attention aux doublons avec d'autres LAMA)
Une liste non exhaustive des publications du laboratoire basée sur les serveurs de HAL est présentée ci-dessous :
- Finite volume schemes for the biharmonic problem on general meshesRobert Eymard, Thierry Gallouët, Raphaele Herbin, Alexander Linke
- Large deviations estimates for the multiscale analysis of heart rate variabilityPatrick Loiseau, Claire Médigue, Paulo Gonçalves, Najmeddine Attia, Stéphane Seuret, François Cottin, Denis Chemla, Michel Sorine, Julien Barral
- Continuous-time skewed multifractal processes as a model for financial returnsEmmanuel Bacry, Laurent Duvernet, Jean-François Muzy
- Transport-entropy inequalities on the lineNathael Gozlan
- Lack of compactness in the 2D critical Sobolev embedding, the general caseHajer Bahouri, Mohamed Majdoub, Nader Masmoudi
- Vertex-centred Discretization of Multiphase Compositional Darcy Flows on General MeshesCindy Guichard, Robert Eymard, Raphaele Herbin, Roland Masson, P Samier
- General nonexact oracle inequalities for classes with a subexponential envelopeGuillaume Lecué, Shahar Mendelson
- A point of view on Gowers uniformity normsBernard Host, Bryna Kra
- A Lagrangian Approach for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Variable DensityRaphaël Danchin, Piotr Bogusław Mucha
- A non-linear problem involving a critical Sobolev exponent.Soohyun Bae, Rejeb Hadiji, Francois Vigneron, Habib yazidi
- Stochastic methodology for the study of an epidemic decay phase, based on a branching modelSophie Penisson, Christine Jacob
- A simple variance inequality for U-statistics of a Markov chain with applicationsGersende Fort, Eric Moulines, Pierre Priouret, Pierre Vandekerkhove
- Refined inequalities on graded Lie groupsHajer Bahouri, Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer, Isabelle GallagherComptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique (2012) p.393-397
- Numerical modeling of the mount Steller landslide flow history and of the generated long period seismic wavesLaurent Moretti, Anne Mangeney, Yann Capdeville, Eléonore Stutzmann, Christian Huggel, Demian Schneider, François Bouchut
- Central limit theorems for additive functionals of ergodic Markov diffusions processesPatrick Cattiaux, Djalil Chafai, Arnaud Guillin
- American options by Malliavin calculus and nonparametric variance and bias reduction methodsL. Abbas-Turki, Bernard Lapeyre
- The smooth-fit property in an exponential Lévy modelDamien Lamberton, Mohammed Mikou
- Vertex centred Discretization of Two-Phase Darcy flows on General MeshesRobert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaele Herbin, Roland Masson
- Asymptotic of grazing collisions and particle approximation for the Kac equation without cutoffNicolas Fournier, David Godinho
- Estimation of a semiparametric mixture of regressions model.Pierre Vandekerkhove
- Universality in one dimensional Hierarchical Coalescence ProcessesA. Faggionato, F. Martinelli, Cyril Roberto, C. Toninelli
- Around the circular lawCharles Bordenave, Djalil Chafai
- Bivariate Gamma wear processes for track geometry modelling, with application to intervention schedulingSophie Mercier, Carolina Meier-Hirmer, Michel Roussignol
- Vertex-centred discretization of multiphase compositional Darcy flows on general meshesRobert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaele Herbin, Roland Masson
- A survey on Fourier analysis methods for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equationsRaphaël Danchin
- Convergence in law in the second Wiener/Wigner chaosIvan Nourdin, Guillaume Poly
- Linearization techniques for $\mathbb{L}^{\infty}$-control problems and dynamic programming principles in classical and $\mathbb{L}^{\infty}$-control problemsDan Goreac, Oana Silvia Serea
- High-order explicit time-integrators for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of the Maxwell equationsHassan Fahs, Mohamad Safa
- Existence results for flows of slightly compressible viscoelastic fluids in a bounded domain with cornersColette Guillopé, Zaynab Salloum, Raafat Talhouk
- The almost sure invariance principle for unbounded functions of expanding mapsJerome Dedecker, Sébastien Gouëzel, Florence Merlevede
- Dynamical properties of the negative beta transformationLingmin Liao, Wolfgang Steiner
- The divergence equation in rough spacesRaphaël Danchin, Piotr Boguslaw Mucha
- Viability, invariance and reachability for controlled piecewise deterministic Markov processes associated to gene networksDan Goreac
- Exercise Boundary of the American Put Near Maturity in an Exponential Lévy ModelDamien Lamberton, Mohammed Mikou
- Some recent developments in functional inequalitiesEmmanuel Boissard, Nathael Gozlan, Joseph Lehec, Christian Léonard, Georg Menz, André Schlichting
- On the Lawrence-Doniach model of superconductivity: magnetic fields parallel to the axes.Etienne Sandier, Stan Alama, Lia Bronsard
- Some applications of linear programming formulations in stochastic controlDan Goreac, Oana Silvia Serea
- Small-stencil 3D schemes for diffusive flows in porous mediaRobert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaele Herbin
- Single switch surface hopping for molecular quantum dynamicsClotilde Fermanian Kammerer, Caroline Lasser
- Finite volume approximation of degenerate two-phase flow model with unlimited air mobilityBoris Andreianov, Robert Eymard, Mustapha Ghilani, Nouzha Marhraoui
- The periodic unfolding for a Fredholm alternative in perforated domainsD Cioranescu, A Damlamian, G Griso
- Madelung, Gross-Pitaevskii and KortewegRémi Carles, Raphaël Danchin, Jean-Claude Saut
- An a priori estimate for the singly periodic solutions of a semilinear equationGenevieve Allain, Anne Beaulieu
- An application of shadow systems to Mahler's conjecture.Matthieu Fradelizi, Mathieu Meyer, Artem Zvavitch
- Circular Law Theorem for Random Markov MatricesCharles Bordenave, Pietro Caputo, Djalil Chafai
- A point of view on Gowers uniformity normsBernard Host, Bryna Kra
- Hypersurfaces of Spinc manifolds and Lawson Type correspondenceRoger Nakad, Julien Roth
- Single switch surface hopping for molecular quantum dynamicsClotilde Fermanian Kammerer, Caroline LasserJournal of Mathematical Chemistry (2012) 620-635
- Approximation of nonlinear parabolic equations using a family of conformal and non-conformal schemesRobert Eymard, Angela Handlovicova, Karol Mikula
- Condition number of a square matrix with i.i.d. columns drawn from a convex bodyRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 140 (2012) 987-998
- Linear stability analysis of first-order delayed car-following models on a ringAntoine Tordeux, Michel Roussignol, S. Lassarre
- Short loop decompositions of surfaces and the geometry of JacobiansFlorent Balacheff, Hugo Parlier, Stéphane Sabourau
- Rates of convergence in the strong invariance principle under projective criteriaJérôme Dedecker, Paul Doukhan, Florence Merlevède
- Existence of strong solutions in a larger space for the shallow-water systemFrédéric Charve, Boris Haspot
- On the existence of a time inhomogeneous skew Brownian motion and some related lawsPierre Etore, Miguel Martinez
- Smoothness of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and application to entropy estimationDidier Chauveau, Pierre Vandekerkhove
- Moment estimates for convex measuresRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannElectronic Journal of Probability 17 (2012) 101: 1-19
- Nonparametric estimation of the division rate of a size-structured populationMarie Doumic-Jauffret, Marc Hoffmann, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Vincent Rivoirard
- The periodic unfolding method in domains with holesDoina Cioranescu, Alain Damlamian, Patrizia Donato, Georges Griso, Rachad Zaki
- The well-posedness issue for the density-dependent in endpoint Besov spacesRaphaël Danchin, Francesco Fanelli
- Some estimates in extended stochastic volatility models of Heston typeVlad Bally, Stefano de Marco
- Numerical Method for Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential EquationsMiguel Martínez, Jaime San Martín, Soledad Torres
- Singularity Spectrum of Generic alpha-Holder Regular Functions After Time SubordinationZoltan Buczolich, Stephane Seuret
- On Linearized Formulations for Control Problems with Piecewise Deterministic Markov DynamicsDan GoreacSeventh Congress of Romanian Mathematicians 5 54 (2011) 131-144
- Finite volume schemes for the approximation via characteristics of linear convection equations with irregular dataFrançois Bouchut, Robert Eymard, Alain Prignet
- Invariance principles for linear processes with application to isotonic regressionJérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède, Magda Peligrad
- Solutions on a torus for a semilinear equationGenevieve Allain, Anne Beaulieu
- The Gauss Map of Minimal Surfaces in the Heisenberg GroupBenoit Daniel
- Two results on the Dunkl maximal operatorLuc Deleaval
- Global existence results for the anisotropic Boussinesq system in dimension twoRaphaël Danchin, Marius PaicuMathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 21 3 (2011) 421-457
- Singularity spectrum of generic $\alpha$-Holder regular functions after time subordinationStephane Seuret, Zoltán BuczolichJournal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 17 3 (2011) 457-485
- Interpolating thin-shell and sharp large-deviation estimates for isotropic log-concave measuresOlivier Guédon, Emanuel MilmanGeometric And Functional Analysis 21 5 (2011) 1043-1068
- Correlation and Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities for Markov SemigroupsFranck Barthe, Dario Cordero-Erausquin, Michel Ledoux, Bernard Maurey
- Hybrid finite volume discretization of linear elasticity models on general meshesDaniele Antonio Di Pietro, Robert Eymard, Simon Lemaire, Roland Masson
- Continuity correction for barrier options in jump-diffusion modelsEl Hadj Aly Dia, Damien Lamberton
- A critical elliptic problem for polyharmonic operatorsYuxin Ge, Juncheng Wei, Feng Zhou
- On the volume product of polygonsMathieu Meyer, Shlomo Reisner
- Smoluchowski's equation: rate of convergence of the Marcus-Lushnikov processEduardo Cepeda, Nicolas Fournier
- Rates of convergence in the strong invariance principle for non adapted sequences. Application to ergodic automorphisms of the torusJérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède, Françoise Pene
- Multifractal spectrum and generic properties of functions monotone in several variablesZoltan Buczolich, Stephane Seuret
- Restricted isometry property of matrices with independent columns and neighborly polytopes by random samplingRadosław Adamczak, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
- Nonlinear coherent states and Ehrenfest time for Schrodinger equationRémi Carles, Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer
- The spectral data for Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian tori in R^4Ian Mcintosh, Pascal Romon
- Convergence of capillary fluid models: from the non-local to the local Korteweg modelFrédéric Charve, Boris Haspot
- Stochastic Optimal Control and Linear Programming ApproachRainer Buckdahn, Dan Goreac, Marc Quincampoix
- Effective dynamics of double solitons for perturbed mKdVGalina Perelman, Justin Holmer, Maciej Zworski