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- Nonlinear Randomized Urn Models: a Stochastic Approximation Viewpoint
- Optimal posting price of limit orders: learning by trading
Optimal posting distance of limit orders: a stochastic algorithm approach
auteurS. Laruelle, C.-A. Lehalle, G. PagèsMathematics and Financial Economics 7 (2013) 359-403
- Randomized Urn Models revisited using Stochastic Approximation
- Stochastic Approximation with Averaging Innovation Applied to Finance
Urn Model-Based Adaptive Multi-Arm Clinical trials : A Stochastic Approximation Approach
auteurS. Laruelle, G. Pagès(2012) 45-59
Stochastic approximation using averaging innovations
auteurS. Laruelle, G. PagèsMonte Carlo Methods and Applications 18 (2012) 1-51
- Optimal split of orders across liquidity pools: a stochastic algorithm approach
- Analyse d'Algorithmes Stochastiques Appliqués à la Finance
Optimal split of orders across liquidity pools: a stochastic algorithm approach
auteurS. Laruelle, G. Pagès, C.-A. LehalleSIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2 (2011) 1042-1076