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A short proof of Paouris' inequality
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Krzysztof Oleskiewicz, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannCanadian Mathematical Bulletin (2014) 3-8
The central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of the sum of independent random matrices of rank one
auteurOlivier Guédon, Anna Lytova, Alain Pajor, Leonid PasturAmerican Mathematical Society Translations: Series 2, 233 (2014) 145-164
Restricted isometry property for random matrices with heavy-tailed columns.
auteurOlivier Guédon, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannComptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique 352 (2014) 431-434
- Thin-shell concentration for convex measures
Tail estimates for norms of sums of log-concave random vectors
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannProceedings of the London Mathematical Society 108 (2014) 600-637
Gelfand numbers and metric entropy of convex hulls in Hilbert spaces
auteurBernd Carl, Aicke Hinrichs, Alain PajorPositivity (2013) 171-203
Chevet type inequality and norms of submatrices
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannStudia Mathematica 210 (2012) 35-56
Condition number of a square matrix with i.i.d. columns drawn from a convex body
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 140 (2012) 987-998
Moment estimates for convex measures
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannElectronic Journal of Probability 17 (2012) 101: 1-19
Restricted isometry property of matrices with independent columns and neighborly polytopes by random sampling
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannConstructive Approximation 34 (2011) 61-88
Geometry of log-concave Ensembles of random matrices and approximate reconstruction
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Rafal Latala, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannComptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique 349 (2011) 783-786
Sharp bounds on the rate of convergence of the empirical covariance matrix
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannComptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique 349 (2011) 195-200
Quantitative estimates of the convergence of the empirical covariance matrix in Log-concave Ensembles
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Alexander Litvak, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannJournal of the American Mathematical Society 23 (2010) 535-561
On the Limiting Empirical Measure of the sum of rank one matrices with log-concave distribution
auteurAlain Pajor, Leonid PasturStudia Mathematica 195 (2009) 11-29
Majorizing measures and proportional subsets of bounded orthonormal systems
auteurOlivier Guédon, Shahar Mendelson, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannRevista Matemática Iberoamericana 24 (2008) 1075-1095
Uniform uncertainty principle for Bernoulli and subgaussian ensembles
auteurShahar Mendelson, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannConstructive Approximation 28 (2008) 277-289
Smallest singular value of random matrices with independent columns
auteurRadosław Adamczak, Olivier Guédon, Alain Pajor, Nicole Tomczak-JaegermannComptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique 346 (2008) 853-856