Pascal ROMON
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- Publications
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Site: | UGE | |
Bureau: | 4B 034 | |
Téléphone: | +33 1 60 95 75 34 | |
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- Convexity preserving deformations of digital sets: Characterization of removable and insertable pixels
- Lightweight Curvature Estimation on Point Clouds with Randomized Corrected Curvature Measures
- Corrected Curvature Measures
- Algorithms for pixelwise shape deformations preserving digital convexity
- Interpolated corrected curvature measures for polygonal surfaces
- Convexity Preserving Contraction of Digital Sets
- Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid
- Honeycomb geometry: Rigid motions on the hexagonal grid
- Discrete CMC surfaces in R^3 and discrete minimal surfaces in S^3 : a discrete Lawson correspondence
Modern Approaches to Discrete Curvature
auteurLaurent Najman, Pascal Romon2184 (2017)
- Bijective rigid motions of the 2D Cartesian grid
- Topological alterations of 3D digital images under rigid transformations
- Discrete curvature: theory and applications
- A canonical structure on the tangent bundle of a pseudo- or para-Kähler manifold
Introduction à la géométrie différentielle discrète
auteurPascal Romon(2013) 216
The Logarithmic Sobolev Constant of The Lamplighter
auteurEvgeny Abakumov, Anne Beaulieu, François Blanchard, Matthieu Fradelizi, Nathaël Gozlan, Bernard Host, Thiery Jeantheau, Magdalena Kobylanski, Guillaume Lecué, Miguel Martinez, Mathieu Meyer, Marie-Hélène Mourgues, Frédéric Portal, Francis Ribaud, Cyril Roberto, Pascal Romon, Julien Roth, Paul-Marie Samson, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Abdellah Youssfi
The spectral data for Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian tori in R^4
auteurIan Mcintosh, Pascal RomonDifferential Geometry and its Applications 29 (2011) 125-146
Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the tangent bundle of a Riemannian surface
auteurHenri Anciaux, Brendan Guilfoyle, Pascal RomonJournal of Geometry and Physics 61 (2011) 237-247
Darboux transforms and spectral curves of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian tori
auteurKatrin Leschke, Pascal RomonCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 38 (2010) 45-74
- Cyclic and ruled Lagrangian surfaces in complex Euclidean space
- Lagrangian submanifolds foliated by (n-1)-spheres in R^2n
- Hamiltonian stationary tori in the complex projective plane
- Problèmes variationnels liés à l'aire
The periodic isoperimetric problem
auteurLaurent Hauswirth, Joaquín Pérez, Pascal Romon, Antonio RosTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 356 (2003) 2025-2047
- From cmc surfaces to Hamiltonian Stationary Lagrangian Surfaces
Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian surfaces in C^2
auteurFrédéric Hélein, Pascal RomonCommunications in Analysis and Geometry 10 (2002) 79-126
- A Weierstrass-type representation for Lagrangian surfaces in R^4
- Weierstrass representation of Lagrangian surfaces in four-dimensional space using spinors and quaternions
- Symmetries and conserved quantities for minimal surfaces
- A rigidity theorem for Riemann's minimal surfaces