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Entropy-based burn in time analysis and ranking for (A)MCMC algorithms in high dimension
auteurPierre Vandekerkhove, Didier Chauveau(2023)
Markov Kernels Local Aggregation for Noise Vanishing Distribution Sampling
auteurFlorian Maire, Pierre VandekerkhoveSIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 4 (2022) 1293-1319
- Semiparametric two-sample admixture components comparison test: The symmetric case
- Entropy-based convergence analysis for (A)MCMC algorithms in high dimension
Adaptive estimation in the supremum norm for semiparametric mixtures of regressions
auteurPierre Vandekerkhove, Hajo Holzmann, Heiko WernerElectronic Journal of Statistics 14 (2020)
Semiparametric density testing in the contamination model
auteurDenys Pommeret, Pierre VandekerkhoveElectronic Journal of Statistics 13 (2019)
- Semiparametric density testing in the contamination model
- The Nearest Neighbor entropy estimate: an adequate tool for adaptive MCMC evaluation
- Semiparametric topographical mixture models with symmetric errors
- Simulation Based Nearest Neighbor Entropy Estimation for (Adaptive) MCMC Evaluation
- Semiparametric estimation of a mixture of two linear regressions in which one component is known
Semiparametric estimation of a two-component mixture of linear regressions in which one component is known
auteurLaurent Bordes, Ivan Kojadinovic, Pierre VandekerkhoveElectronic Journal of Statistics 7 (2013) 2603-2644
- Bootstrap non-nested mixture model selection - Application to extreme value modeling in metal fatigue problems
- A central limit theorem for adaptive and interacting Markov chains
The Logarithmic Sobolev Constant of The Lamplighter
auteurEvgeny Abakumov, Anne Beaulieu, François Blanchard, Matthieu Fradelizi, Nathaël Gozlan, Bernard Host, Thiery Jeantheau, Magdalena Kobylanski, Guillaume Lecué, Miguel Martinez, Mathieu Meyer, Marie-Hélène Mourgues, Frédéric Portal, Francis Ribaud, Cyril Roberto, Pascal Romon, Julien Roth, Paul-Marie Samson, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Abdellah Youssfi
Smoothness of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and application to entropy estimation
auteurDidier Chauveau, Pierre VandekerkhoveESAIM: Probability and Statistics (2012) 10.1051/ps/2012004
- A simple variance inequality for U-statistics of a Markov chain with applications
On ergodic two-armed bandits
auteurPierre Tarrès, Pierre VandekerkhoveThe Annals of Applied Probability 22 (2012) 457-476
- Estimation of a semiparametric mixture of regressions model.
Semiparametric estimation of a twocomponents mixture of regression models
auteurLaurent Bordes, Ivan Kojadinovic, Pierre Vandekerkhove(2011)
Moment estimation method for a two-component mixture regression model when a component is known
auteurLaurent Bordes, Ivan Kojadinovic, Pierre Vandekerkhove(2011)
Semiparametric mixtures of symmetric distributions
auteurCristina Butucea, Pierre Vandekerkhove(2011)
Compter et mesurer. Réflexions sur Le souci du nombre dans l'évaluation de la production du savoir scientifique.
auteurEvgeny Abakumov, Anne Beaulieu, François Blanchard, Matthieu Fradelizi, Nathaël Gozlan, Bernard Host, Thiery Jeantheau, Magdalena Kobylanski, Guillaume Lecué, Miguel Martinez, Mathieu Meyer, Marie-Hélène Mourgues, Frédéric Portal, Francis Ribaud, Cyril Roberto, Pascal Romon, Julien Roth, Paul-Marie Samson, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Abdellah Youssfi
Semiparametric two-component mixture model when a component is known: an asymptotically normal estimator
auteurLaurent Bordes, Pierre VandekerkhoveMathematical Methods of Statistics 19 (2010) 22--41
A Monte Carlo estimation of the entropy for Markov chains
auteurDidier Chauveau, Pierre VandekerkhoveMethodology and Computing in Applied Probability 9 (2007) 133-149
- A Stochastic EM algorithm for a semiparametric mixture model
- How to compare MCMC simulation strategies?
Consistent and asymptotically normal parameter estimates for hidden Markov mixtures of Markov models
auteurPierre VandekerkhoveBernoulli 11 (2005) 103--129