Richard AOUN
- Fiche
- Publications
Nom: |
Prénom: |
Site: | UGE | |
Bureau: | 4B 012 | |
Téléphone: | +33 1 60 95 75 40 | |
Situation: | ||
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Équipe de recherche: | ||
Courriel: |
- Recurrence of multidimensional affine recursions in the critical case
Random walks on hyperbolic spaces: second order expansion of the rate function at the drift
auteurRichard Aoun, Pierre Mathieu, Cagri SertJournal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques 10 (2023) 549-573
- Stationary probability measures on projective spaces 1: block-Lyapunov dominated systems
Random walks on hyperbolic spaces: Concentration inequalities and probabilistic Tits alternative
auteurRichard Aoun, Cagri SertProbability Theory and Related Fields 184 (2022) 323-365
The central limit theorem for eigenvalues
auteurRichard AounProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149 (2021) 859-873
Law of large numbers for the spectral radius of random matrix products
auteurRichard Aoun, Cagri SertAmerican Journal of Mathematics 143 (2021) 995-1010
Random matrix products when the top Lyapunov exponent is simple
auteurRichard Aoun, Yves Guivarc'HJournal of the European Mathematical Society 22 (2020) 2135-2182
- Matrix Poincaré inequalities and concentration
Transience of algebraic varieties in linear groups - applications to generic Zariski density
auteurRichard AounAnnales de l'Institut Fourier 63 (2013) 2049-2080
- Application of random walks to the study of subgroups of linear groups
Random subgroups of linear groups are free
auteurRichard AounDuke Mathematical Journal 160 (2011)