François BOUCHUT

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  • Publications

Site: UGE
Bureau: 4B 063
Téléphone: +33 1 60 95 76 85
Équipe de recherche:
Page personnelle:
  • The Navier-Stokes system with temperature and salinity for free surface flows. Numerical scheme and validation
    Léa Boittin, François Bouchut, Marie-Odile Bristeau, Anne Mangeney, Jacques Sainte-Marie, Fabien Souillé
    Journal of Computational Physics 510 (2024) 113065  
  • A series of two-phase models for grain-fluid flows with dilatancy
    François Bouchut, Elias Drach, Enrique D Fernández-Nieto, Anne Mangeney, Gladys Narbona-Reina
  • Low-Mach type approximation of the Navier-Stokes system with temperature and salinity for free surface flows
    Léa Boittin, Marie-Odile Bristeau, François Bouchut, Anne Mangeney, Jacques Sainte-Marie, Fabien Souillé
    Communications in Mathematical Sciences 21 (2023) 151-172  
  • Acoustic and gravity waves in the ocean: a new derivation of a linear model from the compressible Euler equation
    Juliette Dubois, Sébastien Imperiale, Anne Mangeney, François Bouchut, Jacques Sainte-Marie
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 970 (2023) A28  
  • Numerical simulations of granular dam break: comparison between discrete element, Navier-Stokes and thin-layer models
    Hugo A. Martin, Marc Peruzzetto, Sylvain Viroulet, Anne Mangeney, Pierre-Yves Lagrée, Stéphane Popinet, Bertrand Maury, Aline Lefebvre-Lepot, Yvon Maday, François Bouchut
    Physical Review E 108 (2023) 054902-054927  
  • Topography curvature effects in thin-layer models for gravity-driven flows without bed erosion
    Marc Peruzzetto, Anne Mangeney, François Bouchut, Gilles Grandjean, Clara Lévy, Yannick Thiery, Antoine Lucas
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (2021) e2020JF005657  
  • Synthetic benchmarking of concentrated pyroclastic current models
    V. Gueugneau, S. Charbonnier, T. Esposti Ongaro, M De’ Michieli Vitturi, Marc Peruzzetto, A. Mangeney, François Bouchut, A. Patra, Karim Kelfoun
    Bulletin of Volcanology 83 (2021) 75  
  • ${\textit H}^1$ regularity of the inviscid total variation and Bingham minimisers for ${\textit H}^1$ data
    François Bouchut, Carsten Carstensen, Alexandre Ern
  • Multilayer models for shallow two-phase debris flows with dilatancy effects
    J. Garres-Díaz, François Bouchut, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney, G. Narbona-Reina
    Journal of Computational Physics 419 (2020) 109699  
  • A free interface model for static/flowing dynamics in thin-layer flows of granular materials with yield: simple shear simulations and comparison with experiments
    Christelle Lusso, François Bouchut, Alexandre Ern, Anne Mangeney
    Applied Sciences 7 (2017) 386  
  • Numerical simulation of the 30--45 ka debris avalanche flow of Montagne Pelée volcano, Martinique: from volcano flank collapse to submarine emplacement
    Morgane Brunet, Laurent Moretti, Anne Le Friant, Anne Mangeney, Enrique D. Fernandez-Nieto, François Bouchut
    Natural Hazards 87 (2017) 1189-1222  
  • Two-dimensional simulation by regularization of free surface viscoplastic flows with Drucker-Prager yield stress and application to granular collapse
    Christelle Lusso, Alexandre Ern, François Bouchut, Anne Mangeney, Maxime Farin, Olivier Roche
    Journal of Computational Physics 333 (2017) 387-408  
  • Unified derivation of thin-layer reduced models for shallow free-surface gravity flows of viscous fluids
    François Bouchut, Sébastien Boyaval
    European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 55 (2016) 116-131  
  • A two-phase shallow debris flow model with energy balance
    François Bouchut, Enrique Domingo Fernandez-Nieto, Anne Mangeney, Gladys Narbona-Reina
    ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 49 (2015) 101 - 140  
  • Consistent shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere with complete Coriolis force and topography
    Marine Tort, Thomas Dubos, François Bouchut, Vladimir Zeitlin
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 748 (2014) 789-821  
  • A new model for shallow viscoelastic fluids
    François Bouchut, Sébastien Boyaval
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 23 (2013) 1479-1526  
  • Inertial, barotropic and baroclinic instabilities of the Bickley jet in two - layer rotating shallow water model
    François Bouchut, Bruno Ribstein, Vladimir Zeitlin
    Physics of Fluids 23 (2011) 126601  
  • Simplified two-layer models of precipitating atmosphere and their properties
    Julien Lambaerts, Guillaume Lapeyre, Vladimir Zeitlin, François Bouchut
    Physics of Fluids 23 (2011) 046603  
  • Influence of the scar geometry on landslide dynamics and deposits: Application to Martian landslides
    Antoine Lucas, Anne Mangeney, Daniel Mège, François Bouchut
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 116 (2011) E10001  
  • Instabilities of buoyancy driven coastal currents and their nonlinear evolution in the two-layer rotating shallow water model. Part II. Active lower layer
    Jonathan Gula, Vladimir Zeitlin, François Bouchut
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 665 (2010) 209-237  
  • Numerical modeling of landquakes
    P. Favreau, Anne Mangeney, A. Lucas, G. Crosta, François Bouchut
    Geophysical Research Letters 37 (2010) L15305  
  • A Subsonic-Well-Balanced Reconstruction Scheme for Shallow Water Flows
    François Bouchut, Tomás Morales de Luna
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 48 (2010) 1733-1758  
  • Sinuous gullies on Mars: frequency, distribution, and implications for flow properties
    Nicolas Mangold, Anne Mangeney, V. Migeon, V. Ansan, Antoine Lucas, David Baratoux, François Bouchut
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 115 (2010) E11001  
  • Analogy Between Gullies On Mars And On Earth : What Similarities ? What Differences ?
    N. Mangold, Anne Mangeney, François Bouchut, David Baratoux
  • Fronts and nonlinear waves in a simplified shallow-water model of the atmosphere with moisture and convection
    François Bouchut, Julien Lambaerts, Guillaume Lapeyre, Vladimir Zeitlin
    Physics of Fluids 21 (2009) 116604  
  • On the simulation of large Martian landslides
    A. Lucas, Anne Mangeney, D. Mège, François Bouchut
    (2008) A-1818  
  • A new Savage-Hutter type model for submarine avalanches and generated tsunami
    Enrique D. Fernandez-Nieto, François Bouchut, Didier Bresch, Manolo Castro-Diaz, Anne Mangeney
    Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2008) 7720-7754  
  • On new erosion models of Savage-Hutter type for avalanches
    François Bouchut, E. D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney, Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    Acta Mechanica 199 (2008) 181-208  
  • Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Gravitational Granular Flows with Bottom Topography
    Marica Pelanti, François Bouchut, Anne Mangeney, J. P. Vilotte
    (2006) 825-832  
  • Numerical modeling of avalanches based on Saint-Venant equations using a kinetic scheme
    Anne Mangeney-Castelnau, Jean-Pierre Villotte, Marie-Odile Bristeau, Benoît Perthame, François Bouchut, Chiara Simeoni, Sudhakar Yerneni
    Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (2003) 2527  
Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées

Université Gustave Eiffel

5 boulevard Descartes
Bâtiment Copernic
77420 Champs-sur-Marne