François BOUCHUT
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- Publications
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Site: | UGE | |
Bureau: | 4B 063 | |
Téléphone: | +33 1 60 95 76 85 | |
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- The Navier-Stokes system with temperature and salinity for free surface flows. Numerical scheme and validation
- A series of two-phase models for grain-fluid flows with dilatancy
- Low-Mach type approximation of the Navier-Stokes system with temperature and salinity for free surface flows
- Acoustic and gravity waves in the ocean: a new derivation of a linear model from the compressible Euler equation
- Numerical simulations of granular dam break: comparison between discrete element, Navier-Stokes and thin-layer models
- Topography curvature effects in thin-layer models for gravity-driven flows without bed erosion
- Synthetic benchmarking of concentrated pyroclastic current models
- ${\textit H}^1$ regularity of the inviscid total variation and Bingham minimisers for ${\textit H}^1$ data
- Multilayer models for shallow two-phase debris flows with dilatancy effects
- A free interface model for static/flowing dynamics in thin-layer flows of granular materials with yield: simple shear simulations and comparison with experiments
Numerical simulation of the 30--45 ka debris avalanche flow of Montagne Pelée volcano, Martinique: from volcano flank collapse to submarine emplacement
auteurMorgane Brunet, Laurent Moretti, Anne Le Friant, Anne Mangeney, Enrique D. Fernandez-Nieto, François BouchutNatural Hazards 87 (2017) 1189-1222
- Two-dimensional simulation by regularization of free surface viscoplastic flows with Drucker-Prager yield stress and application to granular collapse
- Unified derivation of thin-layer reduced models for shallow free-surface gravity flows of viscous fluids
- A two-phase shallow debris flow model with energy balance
Consistent shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere with complete Coriolis force and topography
auteurMarine Tort, Thomas Dubos, François Bouchut, Vladimir ZeitlinJournal of Fluid Mechanics 748 (2014) 789-821
- A new model for shallow viscoelastic fluids
Inertial, barotropic and baroclinic instabilities of the Bickley jet in two - layer rotating shallow water model
auteurFrançois Bouchut, Bruno Ribstein, Vladimir ZeitlinPhysics of Fluids 23 (2011) 126601
Simplified two-layer models of precipitating atmosphere and their properties
auteurJulien Lambaerts, Guillaume Lapeyre, Vladimir Zeitlin, François BouchutPhysics of Fluids 23 (2011) 046603
- Influence of the scar geometry on landslide dynamics and deposits: Application to Martian landslides
Instabilities of buoyancy driven coastal currents and their nonlinear evolution in the two-layer rotating shallow water model. Part II. Active lower layer
auteurJonathan Gula, Vladimir Zeitlin, François BouchutJournal of Fluid Mechanics 665 (2010) 209-237
- Numerical modeling of landquakes
- A Subsonic-Well-Balanced Reconstruction Scheme for Shallow Water Flows
- Sinuous gullies on Mars: frequency, distribution, and implications for flow properties
Analogy Between Gullies On Mars And On Earth : What Similarities ? What Differences ?
auteurN. Mangold, Anne Mangeney, François Bouchut, David Baratoux(2009)
Fronts and nonlinear waves in a simplified shallow-water model of the atmosphere with moisture and convection
auteurFrançois Bouchut, Julien Lambaerts, Guillaume Lapeyre, Vladimir ZeitlinPhysics of Fluids 21 (2009) 116604
On the simulation of large Martian landslides
auteurA. Lucas, Anne Mangeney, D. Mège, François Bouchut(2008) A-1818
A new Savage-Hutter type model for submarine avalanches and generated tsunami
auteurEnrique D. Fernandez-Nieto, François Bouchut, Didier Bresch, Manolo Castro-Diaz, Anne MangeneyJournal of Computational Physics 227 (2008) 7720-7754
On new erosion models of Savage-Hutter type for avalanches
auteurFrançois Bouchut, E. D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney, Pierre-Yves LagréeActa Mechanica 199 (2008) 181-208
Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Gravitational Granular Flows with Bottom Topography
auteurMarica Pelanti, François Bouchut, Anne Mangeney, J. P. Vilotte(2006) 825-832
- Numerical modeling of avalanches based on Saint-Venant equations using a kinetic scheme