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- Some Obstructions To Contraction Theorems On The Half-sphere
- Asymptotics of the Inertia Moments and the Variance Conjecture in Schatten Balls
Sumset estimates in convex geometry
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Mokshay Madiman, Artem Zvavitch(2023)
- The functional form of Mahler conjecture for even log-concave functions in dimension $2$
Weighted Brunn-Minkowski Theory I: On weighted surface area measures
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Dylan Langharst, Mokshay Madiman, Artem ZvavitchJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2023) 127519
Volume product
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Mathieu Meyer, Artem Zvavitch(2023) 163-222
On the volume of the Minkowski sum of zonoids
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Mokshay Madiman, Mathieu Meyer, Artem ZvavitchJournal of Functional Analysis 286 (2022) 110247
- Transport proofs of some functional inverse Santaló inequalities
Random polytopes and the wet part for arbitrary probability distributions
auteurImre Bárány, Matthieu Fradelizi, Xavier Goaoc, Alfredo Hubard, Günter RoteAnnales Henri Lebesgue 3 (2020) 701-715
- Polytopes of Maximal Volume Product
- On the monotonicity of Minkowski sums towards convexity
- On the volume of sections of a convex body by cones
- Optimal Concentration of Information Content for Log-Concave Densities
- Do Minkowski averages get progressively more convex?
Stability of the functional forms of the Blaschke-Santaló inequality
auteurFranck Barthe, Károly Böröczky, Matthieu FradeliziMonatshefte für Mathematik 173 (2014) p. 135-159
Thin-shell concentration for convex measures
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Olivier Guédon, Alain PajorStudia Mathematica 223 (2014)
- The volume product of convex bodies with many hyperplane symmetries
- On the analogue of the concavity of entropy power in the Brunn-Minkowski theory
The Logarithmic Sobolev Constant of The Lamplighter
auteurEvgeny Abakumov, Anne Beaulieu, François Blanchard, Matthieu Fradelizi, Nathaël Gozlan, Bernard Host, Thiery Jeantheau, Magdalena Kobylanski, Guillaume Lecué, Miguel Martinez, Mathieu Meyer, Marie-Hélène Mourgues, Frédéric Portal, Francis Ribaud, Cyril Roberto, Pascal Romon, Julien Roth, Paul-Marie Samson, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Abdellah Youssfi
- Simplices in the Euclidean ball
Compter et mesurer. Réflexions sur Le souci du nombre dans l'évaluation de la production du savoir scientifique.
auteurEvgeny Abakumov, Anne Beaulieu, François Blanchard, Matthieu Fradelizi, Nathaël Gozlan, Bernard Host, Thiery Jeantheau, Magdalena Kobylanski, Guillaume Lecué, Miguel Martinez, Mathieu Meyer, Marie-Hélène Mourgues, Frédéric Portal, Francis Ribaud, Cyril Roberto, Pascal Romon, Julien Roth, Paul-Marie Samson, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Abdellah Youssfi
The case of equality for an inverse Santalo functional inequality
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Y. Gordon, Mathieu Meyer, S. ReisnerAdvances in Geometry 10 (2010) 621--630
Concentration inequalities for s-concave measures of dilations of Borel sets and applications
auteurMatthieu FradeliziElectronic Journal of Probability 14 (2009) 2068-2090
Increasing functions and inverse Santalo inequality for unconditional functions
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Mathieu MeyerPositivity 12 (2008) 407--420
Some functional inverse Santalo inequalities
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, Mathieu MeyerAdvances in Mathematics 218 (2008) 1430--1452
Some functional forms of Blaschke-Santalo inequality
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, M. MeyerMathematische Zeitschrift 256 (2007) 379--395
The extreme points of subsets of s-concave probabilities and a geometric localization theorem
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, O GuedonDiscrete and Computational Geometry 31 (2004) 327--335
The (B) conjecture for the Gaussian measure of dilates of symmetric convex sets and related problems
auteurDario Cordero-Erausquin, Matthieu Fradelizi, Bernard MaureyJournal of Functional Analysis 214 (2004) 410--427
Some inequalities about mixed volumes
auteurMatthieu Fradelizi, A Giannopoulos, Mathieu MeyerIsrael Journal of Mathematics 135 (2003) 157--179
Sectional bodies associated with a convex body
auteurMatthieu FradeliziProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (2000) 2735--2744