Dominique MALICET
- Fiche
- Publications
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Prénom: |
Site: | UGE | |
Bureau: | 4B 030 | |
Téléphone: | +33 1 60 95 75 35 | |
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- Ping-pong partitions and locally discrete groups of real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms, I: Construction
Regularity of laws via Dirichlet forms -- Application to quadratic forms in independent and identically distributed random variables
auteurRonan Herry, Dominique Malicet, Guillaume PolyProbability Theory and Related Fields (2024)
A short proof of the strong three dimensional Gaussian product inequality
auteurRonan Herry, Dominique Malicet, Guillaume PolyProceedings of the American Mathematical Society 152 (2023) 403-409
- Random actions of homeomorphisms of Cantor sets embedded in a line and Tits alternative
- Groups of smooth diffeomorphisms of Cantor sets embedded in a line
Almost sure behavior of the critical points of random polynomials
auteurJürgen Angst, Dominique Malicet, Guillaume PolyBulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2023)
Lyapunov exponent of random dynamical systems on the circle
auteurDominique MalicetErgodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 42 (2021) 2080-2107
- Groups with infinitely many ends acting analytically on the circle
- Ping-pong configurations and circular orders on free groups
Entropy, Lyapunov exponents, and rigidity of group actions
auteurAaron W. Brown, Dominique Malicet, Davi Obata, Bruno Santiago, Michele Triestino, Sébastien Alvarez, Mario RoldanEnsaios Matemáticos 33 (2019) 1-197
Random Walks on Homeo(S 1)
auteurDominique MalicetCommunications in Mathematical Physics 356 (2017) 1083-1116
Generalization of the Nualart-Peccati criterion
auteurEhsan Azmoodeh, Dominique Malicet, Guillaume Mijoule, Guillaume PolyAnnals of Probability 44 (2016) 924-954
Squared chaotic random variables: new moment inequalities with applications
auteurDominique Malicet, Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati, Guillaume PolyJournal of Functional Analysis 270 (2016) 649-670