Convergence in Total Variation for nonlinear functionals of random hyperspherical harmonics

Lucia Caramellino
Localisation: Université Rome 2, Italie
Type: Séminaire de mathématiques de Marne
Site: 4B 125
Date de début:
12/12/2023 - 10:30
Date de fin:
12/12/2023 - 11:30

Random hyperspherical harmonics are Gaussian Laplace eigenfunctions on the unit $d$-dimensional sphere ($d\ge 2$). We study the convergence in Total Variation distance for their nonlinear statistics in the high energy limit, i.e., for diverging sequences of Laplace eigenvalues. Our approach takes advantage of a recent result by Bally, Caramellino and Poly (EJP 2020): combining the Central Limit Theorem in Wasserstein distance obtained by Marinucci and Rossi (JFA 2015) for Hermite-rank $2$ functionals with new results on the asymptotic behavior of their Malliavin-Sobolev norms, we are able to establish  Gaussian fluctuations in this stronger probability metric as soon as the functional is regular enough. 

From a joint paper with G. Giorgio and M. Rossi (arXiv:2206.02605).